Ready2Wash mobile app as a marketplace
IMPORTANT: Since Ready2Wash mobile app is becoming a Marketplace, everyone who wants to sell their services through Ready2Wash app will have to upgrade to Ready2Pay. If you choose not to proceed with Ready2Pay, your washing facility will not be visible on the Ready2Wash mobile app, nor map. You will still have access to the Ready2Wash merchant app and monitoring, but the users won’t be able to use your services through the app. Get on board in just 3 easy steps and keep your car wash on the Ready2Wash map!

We at Ready2Wash are thrilled to announce our latest update to the app, which delivers a number of improvements and innovative features to simplify the user experience and to make your and your valued customers’ lives easier!
In addition to its sleek and user-friendly design, this new update brings the possibility for you, the car wash providers, to sell your own local tokens directly through the app and also create your own custom packages tailored to your unique offerings. On top of that, the funds generated through the app will go straight to your balance account.
Ready2Wash has evolved into a dynamic platform where the car wash businesses can not only showcase their services, but also establish an online presence. Take advantage of promotional opportunities, and the creation of various reward programs, all seamlessly advertised to your user base. All of these tools are designed to expand your customer reach and help the growth of your business. Experience the future of car wash services with the new Ready2Wash mobile app.